Dangerous Drug Lawsuits
NastLaw’s dangerous drug attorneys are leaders in their field and will provide you with the experience, knowledge, and understanding that comes with decades of civil litigation practice and billions of dollars in settlements for our clients. We are currently investigating dangerous drug lawsuits for the following medications:
Vehicle Recall Lawsuits
NastLaw attorneys have decades of experience in vehicle recall lawsuits and are on the leadership committee in the case against General Motors. We are not investigating any vehicle recall lawsuits at this time.
Medical Device Lawsuits
Nastlaw attorneys have decades of experience litigating medical devices. Our attorneys have been appointed to national leadership positions in various device Multi-District Litigations, including breast implants, trans-vaginal mesh and pace makers. NastLaw attorneys work on at national and at local levels in prosecuting these cases for plaintiffs around the country. We are not investigating any medical device lawsuits at this time.
Product Liability
Nastlaw attorneys have decades of experience working at national and local levels in prosecuting these cases for plaintiffs around the country. We are currently investigating a Product Liability lawsuit for the following case: